Get in touch

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7 thoughts on “Get in touch

  1. Boredom and solitude are the most significant issues. Sufferers are invariably among fellow sufferers all of whom have little or no interest in inter-action. Frequent brief attempts at dialogue seem most effective. Visitors can help for part of the time but care staff have the longest period of access but have to ration time with an individual. The staff are burdened with an unreasonable amounts of bureaucratic duties which impinges on available time. Often a sufferer seeks only to know that someone, anyone, is there with them – without talk or entertainment.

  2. Hi, whilst I admire any efforts to raise dementia awareness and attempts to improve access to services, I have found that every service comes at a high cost- financial and otherwise. It is a constant and draining struggle to get any assistance to help my father to remain at home for as long as he can. My family have fought for this. I am a trained nurse,now working in social care. My brother has been a lawyer, now a psychologist, my partner is also a social care manager…. The barriers we have encountered have been unbelievable. The stress has been incredible, and remains so. As I write this, I have been waiting for advice from my dads CPN for 2 days regarding my dad’s sleep pattern. As a family, we feel isolated.. My dad’s well being remains our priority. I don’t know what the way forward is for caring for those living with Alzheimer’s, but I do know the present systems are failing badly… Continuing to live in your home is actively discouraged, unless you have an unpaid, family member who can provide that care. Sadly, my mum, who fulfilled that role, passed away earlier this year…and the struggle began.

  3. Hi, I’d like to make a very practical comment about the site. When I open the link to view the posts on my pc, the dark purple background with black font makes the words almost impossible to see. Is it possible to reconsider the appearance of the format to align with Accessible Information Policy? Otherise, content is largely excellent!

    • Thank you for your comment on the look of the blog, we will have a look to see what the issue is & how we enhance the readability of the blog posts. Elaine

  4. My father is 83 and cares for my mother at home….he is so tired and only gets a little help. The family do housework and sit with my mum to give him a break but we are struggling to get the help we need. I personally am at a loss how to help her best. I do as much as I can but I have two young children and struggle to find the time to do more and this makes me feel guilty. My siblings are great and do an awful lot but they also have families and jobs so the pressure and stress is immense. I found this site and hopefully it will give me some ideas how to help more.

    • Susan, thank you for taking the time to comment on our blog & I hope the information we are sharing is helpful to you and your family.

      If you live in Scotland you & you family can call the Alzheimer Scotland Helpline on 0808 808 3000. It is a 24 hour freephone Dementia Helpline service for people with dementia, carers, relatives, professionals, students and anyone concerned about dementia.

      The Dementia Helpline is confidential, and you don’t even have to give your name if you prefer not to. The Helpline also provide free information packs to people with dementia and their carers.

      Thank you again for reading the blogs & your comment

      • I note I have not received a reply or offer of an extended network of support.. I continue to believe, strongly, that services will not improve for people with Alzheimer’s until the honest views of those who live/ manage the day-to-day realities of this debilitating illness are listened to. There are too many people struggling to deal with the everyday, mundane, but exceptionally stressful facets of Alzheimer’s who do not have an effective voice. As an example- who takes the person with Alzheimer’s to any one of the ‘activity’ services which are arranged, if not the carer? For 2 hours of activity there is a whole world if organization, encouragement, orientation and practical arrangements that the carer needs to co ordinate in the home. This is then measured by the professionals by the ‘patient’ enjoying/engaging for 30 minutes at their session… Really?? Is this the best we can do? Can we look at what happens for the other 23.5hrs every day, 7 days a week.

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